Dear Camp Families,
Thank you so much for making this a memorable summer. Your children will always have a very special place in my heart. It has been a joy and a privilege to have them this summer as campers. Each one of them are very special and have many fine qualities. Every camper made incredible progress this summer and it was very rewarding to watch them learn and grow. Your camper became a champion this year at camp.

I want to offer my most sincere and heartfelt thanks for sharing your most precious gift with us....your children. Your love, dedication, and commitment certainly shine through your wonderful children.

It is truly a joy and privilege for me to serve as Camp Director of Country Life Kids Camp. Our faculty and staff are extremely dedicated and highly professional. Our campers are intelligent, kind, and hard-working.

We are blessed to have so many wonderful parents and families who are such an important part of our community. Thank you for all you do to make Country Life Kids Camp a premier camp in Ohio.

To each of you, I wish much happiness and success in the coming year. I look forward to seeing you at one of our Wilderness Camps in the fall and next spring, and at camp next summer.

God Bless All of You!
Tina Bildstein
Camp Director